Jason Gonzalez

Jason Gonzalez is a marketing and communication specialist, facilitator and place-based practitioner. He is a first generation latino american whose career began in the non-profit sector, focusing on event planning and coordinating, digital workshops, bilingual GED course instructor, data entry and database design.

He is a marketing specialist specifically focusing on Website Design and updating, social media and ideation. He uses his skills as a story teller to uplift communities and those around him, who like him, didn’t get the same head start many others did.

Creating connections and turning them into action is what drives him to do what he does best. Everyone does so much good work and usually goes unnoticed or siloed from other efforts. By creating connections and authentic relationships these efforts could be maximized and echoed throughout the world.

Collaboration and authenticity are at the root of his ideals and are what creates long lasting and impactful change.

He belives that by being intentional with the work CCC does and finding others who believe the way they do, real change can come forth not just by the standard systems already in place but by creating new ones with the community alongside them.

He personally has a stake in this work because his community for too long has been used for photo ops, story harvesting and just viewed as another number to hit a quota without actually being taken into consideration for real change or being their own story tellers.

“We have a voice and it’s about time we took it back”

Jason focuses on making sure everyone not only has a voice and seat at that table, but that their stories are shared and preserved in a way the story owner deems fit. He believes in the power of spaces that allow people to show up authentically, speak their truth, and share their ideas in a supportive environment and that social media holds the key for the next generation of storytelling.


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